One line Movie Review: Bandits
Go back to Baltimore, Barry. (Memo to Billy Bob Thornton: Every minute you spent making that lame film was a minute you could have spent
having sex with Angelina Jolie. Think about that. And Cate Blanchet: your agent called. "The Tori Amos Story" is a go.)
The movie had the feel of a script that started out interesting and got blanded out once a name director or actor got attached to the project.
It's interesting that with the common refrain of "Being afraid means the terrorists win" the news media, for the most part, still seem to be trying to make us as afraid as possible. One person has died from Anthrax so far - this is a total failure as a method of mass murder. More people have died in the last week from choking on chicken wings. But most news outlets would have us stockpiling Cipro and shooting the mailman before he can deliver any letters that might have a mysterious substance in them.
Another story I think they're getting wrong is the level of protest in the Islamic world. While riots in a few cities on the Pakistani-Afghan border make good video, most of the rest of the "Arab Street" has been relatively quiet. Most of these countries have greater civil unrest when their team looses a World Cup match. Or wins one for that matter.
And one of the top stories all day has been "4 Civilians killed
In a War Zone" this may be the biggest non-story since "Gary Condit lies about affair." (Obviously not to the friends and families of those killed. Compassion for innocents, every life is sacred, yadda yadda yadda.)
What am I doing here? Good question. Basically I've been reading a number of different weblogs over the last few weeks, and I decided to start my own.
Because I can. (Cause this is America, dammit!)
Some of my favorite logs are :
Virginia Postrel,
Instapundit, and
I'm hoping to offer opinion, commentary, criticism, and ponderings on The War, TV, Media, and what ever else crosses my path. I'll also be journalling about my lovely wife's pregnancy and my thoughts on becoming a father for the first time.
I have a history of starting projects like this and going nowhere with them. Let's see if this is different...
Testing, testing, is anybody out there?