Friday, November 02, 2001
  Article about a young Muslim from England who went to join the Taleban, and found himself in an Islamic Catch 22
Thursday, November 01, 2001
  Newish Humor Site

The Daily Probe is a very funny "Onion" style news humor site.
Not as good as The Onion yet, but quite enjoyable. 
Tuesday, October 30, 2001
  One more reason to mistrust the Saudis

This isn't news, it's just something I was reminded of today:
They harbor Idi Amin.

From a 1999 interview with "Big Daddy:"

He also goes swimming and fishing in the Red Sea shores near the Saudi/Yemen border and watches TV. With his hefty monthly stipend from the Saudi government, the ex-field marshal proudly talks about the five satellite dishes installed at his new house. (Emphasis mine.)

Saudi Arabia: Millions for cannibals, but not one cent to track down Al-Quaeda.

  Not Novel Enough?
I've been feeling lately like my life is a bad novel- one by a novice author with no self control or a good editor. Any two of the three main threads in my life - The War, Julie's pregnancy, my Mother's cancer, would be good symbolism, with counterpoint, irony, life versus death, the personal commenting on the political. Throw them all into the same chapter, however, and what you've got is a mess- too complex to get any insight into the author, not funny enough and with too few grace notes to be truly absurdist.
I'm not even expressing enough angst to make it Existentialist. 
  Joe Bob on Humanitarian Relief

Joe Bob Briggs talks about the Food Drops over Afghanistan.
He goes into more detail about the procedure and pilots than
I've seen anywhere else in the media - in fact, given how
little press the drops have gotten in the last two weeks,
one might be excused from thinking that we had ended them
based on the criticism from Doctors Without Borders and other
aid groups. But we haven't. Just one more front where we're
losing the propaganda war... 
War and other endeavors. Absolutely No Balloon Animals.

2001-10-07 / 2001-10-14 / 2001-10-21 / 2001-10-28 / 2001-11-04 / 2002-03-17 / 2002-12-29 / 2003-01-05 / 2003-03-23 / 2003-03-30 / 2003-04-06 / 2003-04-13 / 2004-05-30 /

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