Thursday, April 17, 2003

This article from Aint it Cool News is ostensibly about a dispute between Sony and Marvel over the licensing rights to Spider-Man. But it appears to actually be an excuse to hide a bunch of links to clips of X2. This one looks even better than the first, from a fanboy perspective, at least. The brief shots of Kitty Pride and Colossus are so damn cool. I'm really looking forward to this one. (And Hulk, and Amazing Spider Man, and... OK, not to Ghost Rider starring Nicholas Cage.) 
Tuesday, April 15, 2003

I'd pay good money to see an episode of MTV's Cribs where we get to tour Saddam, Uday, and Qusay's palaces and love nests.

Saddam's seems to be old-school: Hefner. Warren Beaty in Shampoo, shag carpet and fur bedclothes.

Uday's seems to be a porn palace and workout shack. (And exotic animal zoo!) Very West Coast Gangsta. I would lay good money that he's got a framed Scarface poster somewhere.

I haven't heard anything specific about any of Qusay's palaces. I'm guessing nerd/high tech - exposed brick and ductwork,
amazing sound system, huge collection of Star Wars action figures. And the MOAB - Mother of All Bongs. 
  It's all in the Cards

Here's a .pdf of the playing cards being distributed with pictures of the Iraqi leadership.

Do you think these guys are complaining about where they ranked? And why is there no picture of the Queen of Hearts? Couldn't they find some Ba'athist Babe for that card? One of Hussein's Hotties?

UPDATE: Now you can buy a deck of the cards here

War and other endeavors. Absolutely No Balloon Animals.

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