Thursday, January 09, 2003
  I frequently give Tzedaka (charity) to Magen David Adom, the Israeli Red Cross. They recently sent me an email with casualty figures from September through December of 2001. Here is an excerpt:

Between Friday, September 29, 2000 at 07:15 hours, and January 1, 2003 at

8:00:00 hours, UPDATED numbers:

MDA took care of 4939 casualties as detailed below:

611 fatalities, 433 severely injured, 613 moderately and 3282 lightly injured,
among them 11 MDA staff members.

The MDA regions which have been involved:

Gilboa 411 wounded
Asher 77 wounded
Yarden 75 wounded
Yarkon 608
Sharon 715 wounded
Carmel 202 wounded
Jerusalem 1943 wounded
Dan 368 wounded
162 wounded
Negev 306 wounded
Lachish 72 wounded

80 damaged vehicles – 11 MICUs, 67 standard ambulances and one landrover jeep
and 1 blood mobile.

Stolen vehicles: 2 blood mobiles and 4 standard ambulances
Broken in: 5 standard
2 Armored ambulances from the Negev region were hit by bullets and damaged –
front shield and side window.

This was during a so-called "downturn in the violence." It does not include the Tel Aviv double-bombing from earlier this week.

(And I just have to ask- who steals a blood mobile? Besides vampires, that is.)

War and other endeavors. Absolutely No Balloon Animals.

2001-10-07 / 2001-10-14 / 2001-10-21 / 2001-10-28 / 2001-11-04 / 2002-03-17 / 2002-12-29 / 2003-01-05 / 2003-03-23 / 2003-03-30 / 2003-04-06 / 2003-04-13 / 2004-05-30 /

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